
  • Ecological investments in energy, transport, and industrial sectors
  • Investments contributing to the transition to a circular economy
  • Greening of existing or new products, processes, and infrastructure
  • Reduction and prevention of environmental pollution


  • Circular business models (particularly for recycling and circular economy)
  • Calculations of CO2 reduction potentials
  • Market and industry studies


Our Office Hours

Mo - Fr  9:00 - 17:00

Consulting Moduls

Project Idea Development

Consulting on developing funding project concepts, conducting industry-specific market studies including norms and standards, consulting on developing funding project roadmaps, and providing feedback on submission ideas.

Project Proposal Preparation

Consulting on project feasibility, project structuring, reviewing business plans, funding criteria, and financial structures.

Coaching and Training

Project identification, project proposal preparation, seminars, workshops, and networking events.

Our Promise

Competent consulting for your company

Benefit from our more than 20 years of experience in the European R&I landscape

Fast and reliable executed services

Our consulting modules cover the entire funding project life cycle

Our Consulting Approach

We support and advise ambitious project initiatives with particularly socially relevant and clearly formulated project goals. Starting from the state-of-the-art (Baseline), we help identify the most suitable concepts and methods that significantly and effectively contribute to achieving the objectives.

We consider gender equality in the scientific context as well as the interdisciplinarity of project partners required for successful project implementation. Regarding the "open access" to research data, laboratory reports, and other research processes, we are guided by the principle "as open as possible, as confidential as necessary."

With balanced and precisely tailored communication measures for the respective target audience, we acknowledge the increasing importance of science communication. We work with well-structured and easily understandable project templates for plans and descriptions, particularly suitable for representing complex relationships, dependencies, and risks.

We assist in identifying and representing the key competencies crucial for the respective project, avoiding overlaps and clarifying early access to necessary research infrastructure. Existing technical protection rights, designs, and copyrights can limit the economic usability of project results. Therefore, a project-specific IP strategy is an essential part of our consulting activities.

Highlighted Experience

  • Over 20 years of professional experience in the European R&I landscape.
  • Conducted technology, innovation, and marketing consultancy services for corporate, public, and SME organizations, focusing on green and renewable energy-based transport systems.
  • Coordinated research programs in hybrid, fuel cell, and battery electric light and heavy-duty vehicles.
  • Conducted environmental impact assessments focusing on emission, energy, and CO2 reduction potential.
  • Provided product road mapping services, including screening of new and ongoing projects.

Key Projects and Roles

  • Evaluated over 90 proposals and reviewed 6 projects for various H2020 and Horizon Europe calls, including Green Vehicles, Innovation Fund, and Circular Cities and Regions Initiative.
  • Assisted the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (CINEA), the Research Executive Agency (REA) and DG CONNECT with proposal evaluations and technical audits.
  • Developed and produced Li-Ion battery packs for transport applications.
  • Coordinated research programs and developed research proposals at AVL List GmbH and MAGNA STEYR Battery Systems GmbH & Co OG.


Herbert Thanner, M.Sc.

The physics of the energy systems fascinated me as a student, already. This enthusiasm guided allways my professional career.


Herbert Josef Thanner, M.Sc. 
Founder and Consultant, CVN Services e.U. 
📞 +43 699 11003302 

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